Tentative List of Jewish Cultural Treasures in Axis-Occupied Countries, 1946

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Monday, September 01, 2008

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The offical report by the Commission on Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Tentative List of Jewish Cultural Treasures in Axis-Occupied Countries, 1946, is a comprehensive annotated list of movable treasures, such as books, documents or museum pieces in different cultural institution from all over Europe. It is written in the report: "The lack of readily available, reliable data concerning Jewish cultural treasures in the European countries before they were overrun by the Nazis has long been felt as a serious obstacle to intelligent action. Certainly only such data, supported by documentary evidence, may enable the agencies of the United Nations and Jewish communal leadership to identify and to ascertain the present location of those treasures which had been looted by the Nazis and to evaluate the complex problems of restoration and reparation." (report, p. 7)

The list is published on lootedart.com (See also: post on Monday, Sept. 1st, 2008)

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