A summary of the latest developments concerning the Cologne Historical Archive II

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Monday, March 09, 2009

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“Acting quickly, Germany's Prometheus image archive launched a special OA collection, Das digitale Historische Archiv Köln, to host and protect digital copies of documents from the Köln (Cologne) city archives, which collapsed on March 3. The new archive is calling for help in collecting documents on the history of Cologne. (Thanks to Klaus Graf.)“ (Open Access News 09.03.2009 06:31 p.m. via Archivalia@Twitter)
Even after six days have passed since the collapse of Cologne Historical Archive’s building, rescue workers are still searching for the 24 years old man in the rubble. (Reuters 09.03.2009 12:21)
The national meaning of the documents was the reason that the German Kulturrat, the Spitzenverband der Bundeskulturverbände asked the Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann for support to reconstruct the Historical Archive Cologne (like he did for the Anna Amalia Library in Weimar), especially the restauration of the documents should be focused. (Deutscher Kulturrat 08.03.2009 via Archivalia)
Institutions and societies offer support with the recovery and restauration of the still capable to rescue material of the Historical Archive. Any kind of support is needed: financial, material, in person.The secretary-general of the Kulturstiftung der Länder, promises a immediate aid for the fast and secure protection of the valuable archival inventory. (Koelner Stadtanzeiger 06.03.2009 12:16 a.m. via Archivalia@Twitter)


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